2024 Workshops
For Art Groups
Are you an art group looking for an artist to come and facilitate an art class?
What's on offer?
I have 2 workshops that I can offer you and your Art group:
1. Gouache, Landscape, 1 day
using images from the landscape, provided by me (or your own) I will teach how to achieve depth and vibrancy of colour within the landscape. I will begin with using the site size method, to enable an accurate image to work from. I demonstrate throughout showing all the stages throughout. This course will be for 3 hours and be for 1 day. I will also provide a worksheet relating to every stage which can be taken away used after. I will send an email out prior to the start of the course, with all the information as to what will be needed before the class takes place.
Price *£120
2. Oil, Portrait Over 2 days
Day 1 - Using a portrait image, provided by me ( or your own) I will walk through the process of how to work with oils, explaining my use of brushes and medium and unravel the mysteries of oil painting. The first day we will be starting an underpainting, and use the site size method to create an accurate image. Then using just two colour create a monochromatic underpainting.
Day 2 - I begin by demonstrating colour mixing and preparing your painting before the next layer begins. Explaining the fat over lean method and how to work with the paint. This will not provide a finished painting but you will have a better understanding of how to work with oils and construct a painting that can be worked into further.
I will also provide a worksheet relating to every stage which can be taken away used after. I will send an email out prior to the start of the course, with all the information as to what will be needed before the class takes place.
Price *£240
Contact me below
*These prices are within West Yorkshire region